
I am a Wonder Woman of today!

As a psychologist, I work with many diverse individuals, families, and couples in my practice.  My professional experiences are extensive and varied, with the specific goal of “healing the soul”.

 We all have a “journey” in life, which is never ending…


My personal journey has been a bittersweet process of change, growth and transformation into the woman I am today.  Through introspection and reflection, I seek the balance between my professional self and personal self, as many women struggle to do.  This balance of roles is a challenge because it has become blurred and undefined in today’s society.

Being a strong, open minded and independent woman has made me a role model in today’s modern feminist movement.  I love to take risks and challenge life.  My interests include listening to music, dance, art, fashion and anything new and exciting!

This blog was created with the intention of sharing information and challenging our views as women.  It’s an opportunity to take a moment and breathe…to have a creative place that will allow us to “let our hair down” and just be women!

Join me on this journey!


8 thoughts on “About”

  1. Great Picture and Bio!

  2. Love the pic!

  3. I’m looking forward to reading your posts!

  4. frangou aggeliki said:

    tu es merveilleuse je t’adore

  5. Loved having you on the Brooklyn Savvy show for the book Whiteladyblacksons.. We love to connect with you more. Email is jboles.resume@gmail.com and FB is Johnny Boles. We love to connect. Happy Holidays..


    • It was a pleasure meeting both of you on the set of Brooklyn Savvy!! Our discussion about your life journey touched on real issues that affect many… You’re both survivors with an inner strength to share and help others find the courage to overcome similar difficult life situations… Great work Lisa and John!! Let’s keep in touch!!

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